General News Politics

We Aren’t Demonstrating On The 29th In  Kumasi’-Coalition Against TUC, Organized Labour Declares



Take note Coalition Against TUC and Organized Labour is not Organizing any Demonstration in KUMASI 29th September.

The group that is Organizing the Kumasi Demo is also fighting similar course as the Coalition.

In fact they Organized one in Accra and this Coalition fully supported them with music track that day, 20 placards, two banners and 20 people from this our Coalition to support execute their agenda.

Aside the above mentioned support, this Coalition companied them to meet the IGP in their last meeting with the police.
It was unfortunate our brothers who Organized their own Program came to the Demonstration grouds with empty hands and they were only four people standing there.

They did not invite or coordinate people to the Demonstration neither did they print any banner, placards nor music van to symbolize Demonstration that day.

We from the Coalition gave the Accra Demo a little facelift before it was called Demo.

On this note and bad experience, we will not trust anyone shouting speaking our language in support of this fight until we see Proper action. Our brothers from the Agrieved nearly mess us up in this great fight and we will not associate ourselves to any of their activities.
Where we have reach, we mean business and we can not merely trust people speaking our language but backed by actions.
We must be smarter than the people we are fighting them so that they don’t mess us up.

Since this Coalition started we have been very consistent, focus, hitting on our target and gaining grounds anytime we embark on any action and always on point .
The only program that nearly collapse this Coalition was when we mistakenly emerged with our brothers from the Agrieved in their Demonstration.

This Coalition will not repeat that mistake again.

This Coalition will partner with our colleagues from the Agrieved workers only if we see seriousness and positive actions from their front.

Azubila Emmanuel Abdul-Salam Executive Secretary Coalition Against TUC and Organized Labour.

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