General News Politics




The Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Middle Belt Development Authority, Mr. Vincent Frimpong Manu, has lauded the  executive members of the NPP youth wing in Ashanti region for being thoughtful of bringing all TESCON members together.

The former local  NUGS president at the university of cape coast, sees the move by the Ashanti regional youth leader, Ralph Sarfo  Patrick, as a game changer, and also portrays the New Patriotic party as one that cares for it future political leaders.

According to Mr. Frimpong Manu, the conference seeks beyond bringing  young men and women together for political talks and enchantments alone.However, the youth shall be taking through series of training and entrepreneurship development programs for them to fit into the cooperate world and in politics. He added, “by sustaining NPP is sustaining Ghana’s leadership and the leadership is the youth in the party”

The 2020 parliamentary aspirant for Kwadaso constituency, in a media interview believes that, breaking the eight by the NPP shall require unity at all levels and the intellectual wing of the NPP must solidify to canvass votes by explain government policies to the masses as well as conducting  researches for the development of party and nation.

He  concluded by the thanking the organisers of  the Ashanti Regional TESCON Conference, themed; “Holding Together, Working Together and Building Capacity to Break the Eight” for such an innovative way to connect past TESCON members like himself with the current members. And urged  all to participate from tomorrow 16th-18th December, 2022.

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