
6 Reasons why squats are super beneficial for men



Squatting is one of the most important exercises for those seeking overall development of the body.

It is often treated as an exercise for leg day but what people fail to identify is that squatting engages many more muscles and not just the leg muscles.

A squat when properly done trains glutes, hamstrings, abductors and lower back — and quadriceps and along with that also engages your shoulders, back, and especially your abs.

Not only does this exercise train your leg muscles, it also helps you develop a strong core and back.

No matter what your goals are, whether you are looking to gain lean muscle mass, bulk up, or just trying to get in better shape or lower your body fat percentage, squats are one of the most effective exercises a man can do for those purposes.

Squats help you stimulate the release of a large growth hormone – testosterone. This hormone is helpful for burning fat, building muscle and improving strength.

Here is a list of benefits mostly for men, so that the next time you think of skipping this exercise, you know what all benefits you might be ignoring.

1. Maintaining mobility and balance
Squats strengthen the leg muscles, core and back, all these are basic structures that help in mobility and balance. As one grows older, it gets difficult in maintaining mobility and balance, this is where strong muscles help and regular squats should help in doing so. Squats also help in better coordination of the mind and the brain.

2. Effective in burning fat
Losing fat is a basic requirement regardless of what your physique goals are. Squats are a proven method to decrease fat and increase muscle mass. Whether it is gaining lean muscle mass or bulking up, squats are an exercise to be incorporated in every workout.

3. Overall development of body muscles
There are very few exercises that strain numerous muscles in our body and even fewer that trigger the release of the growth hormone- testosterone. Squats if done properly can help majorly in the overall development of your body muscles.

4. Tones up your legs and butt
Squats is an exercise which majorly targets the leg muscles and the glutes along with other body muscles too. While doing squats, you train glutes, hamstrings, abductors and quadriceps, which basically means you tone up your legs and butt.

5. Improves overall body posture
Squat as an exercise is heavily reliant on the correct posture, until and unless you perform this exercise in the correct form and posture, it won’t benefit you. Correcting your posture for squats in turn also helps in correcting overall body posture. Squats strengthen your core and back too and a strong back and core is all we require for the correct overall body posture.

6. Increasing athletic ability
No matter the sport, every sportsman incorporates a squat exercise in their fitness routine. Majorly every sport requires athletic abilities like jumping and running. Squats are really helpful as the basic motion of a squat is to push against gravity, while the weight plates push you down. Many sportsmen rely heavily on squats to improve such athletic abilities.

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