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Twenty Seater Capacity Toilet Facility Commissioned At Sabin Akrofrom



Twenty seat capacity toilet facility has been commissioned for residents of Sabin Akrofrom in the Atwima Kwanwoma district of the Ashanti Region.

Commissioning the project, Nana Osei Kofi , chief of Sabin Akrofrom explained that, the purpose of the toilet facility is to come in to help solve concerns of the people agitating everyday of where to attend nature’s call.

He said, when his attention was drawn to that fact, his outfit quickly raised money to embark on the twenty seat water_closet toilet project in his hometown.

Nana Osei Kofi stressed on maintenance culture, saying that, the facility must always be maintained into good use.

He pointed out that, littering anyhow within the toilet environment as well as block painting of the facility always must be clean and well.


On his part, Nana Forkuoh, the Adontehene of Sabin Akrofrom said  that, the project is a worthy one, saying, the amount of cement and block mouldings erected to put out the facility are of worthy materials.

Source: David Amoateng

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