
Right To Information Commission Launches Month Activities



To create awareness of the importance of online access to official information held by government institutions, the Right To Information Commission, ( RTIC) , a constitutionally mandated institution, will begin an awareness raising campaign.

Institutions are call on to make information accessible on various online platforms is born out of the need to advance the principles of transparency accountability good governance , and citizen empowerment, through access to information.

At a press launch at the conference room of RTI, to inform the public about their Month celebration in Accra under the theme, ” The importance of the Online Space for access to information ” The Board Chairman of the Right To Information Commission, Justice (Rtd) K.A Ofori Atta emphasized the need for institutions to adapt to the digital age of sharing information.

Mr. Ofori — Atta has announced that in response to the many calls for decentralizing information access, commission will conduct a sensitization program by exploring how the online space has enabled transparency and accountability, showcasing success stor,and digital activities leading to positive change.

There is no doubt that the digital space a catalyst for access to information.


As a result of the online space, the flow of information has been enhanced, on this month long celebration we will highlight the need for stakeholders adopt online approach 3make information accessible to every Ghanaian.

The celebration affords the Commission to sustain the awareness creation that the Commission has embarked upon and improve the deliberative platform provided for the implementation of the law

The month of September is set aside to organize various activities by the Commission and commemorate the International Day for Universal Access to Information ( IDUAI) declared on 28th September by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiation ( UNESCO).

The Commission will engage stakeholders on Thursday, 24th September, a health walk and games on September 16th at the Odadee Mentorship Centre, and climax the celebration with a What Do You Know ( quiz) on Act 989 on Sunday, 24th at the GBC in the national capital…..Story by Bugbila Moadow.

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