General News Politics

Akufo Addo is a selected president,John Mahama president elect-‘Gyataba’ reveals


The leadership of the United Front Party (UFP) has revealed that Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo was only selected by the EC to lead Ghana in the just ended 2020 general elections.

According  to the founder and leader of the party President John Dramani Mahama of the NDC is the president elect .

He has however given the  Electoral commission of Ghana a 2-working day ultimatum to come out and present correct figures on total votes cast for both Presidential and parliamentary during the 7th December 2020 general elections.

“…else if anything happens in the country she would be held responsible”, they cautioned.

In defense of the foregoing, Nana Agyenim Boateng (National Chairman and leader for the UPP) stated on Tuesday at a press briefing held in Kumasi that the just ended election was rigged by the Electoral Commission chaired by Jean Mensah and that the results declared by the EC is not the true reflection of the will of the citizenry let alone declaring Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo of NPP the winner.

“Granted that we even go by the figures declared by the EC which we believe were padded for President Akuffo Addo and that of President Mahama deliberately reduced, a simple calculation, if we add the total votes acquired at Techiman South, i.e 128,018, it’s clear that President Akuffo Addo did not cross the 50% + 1 (fifty plus One) votes as required by the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, to be declared President elect by the Electoral Commission.

On what basis then did the EC arrive at the 51.295 percent for President Akuffo Addo and his declaration as the President elect?”

“The evidence is clear that the Electoral Commission compromised the process and we strongly believe the entire process of the 2020 Presidential results declaration was staged and the verdict stolen for President Akuffo Addo. If this is the kind of democracy we want to be practicing then we are sorry, it might not end well”, he added.

Nana Agyenim Boateng a.k.a “Gyataba” described as sad how the EC for the first time came out to publicly admit that there were errors in the results she dclared.

” The flip-flopping of the EC and the change of figures on the Electoral Commission’s website is a clear indication of the flawed nature of the 2020 Presidential and parliamentary elections and we members of UFP wants the EC to engage the political parties involved to resolve all issues regarding the Presidential results…”

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