General News Health

Amid covid-19 Manso Osama Kwaku Abonee donates PPEs to Agroyesum and Manso Adubia Health Centre.


Kwaku Abonee aka Obama, a philanthropist of Manso Akwasiso in Amansie south District of Ashanti has donated PPEs to Agroyesum St.Matins Hospital and Adubia Health center amid of covid-19 pandemic.

The PPEs worth thousand of cedis includes sanitizers and other valuable materials.
Presenting the items to the above mentioning hospital facilities in a short ceremony today at Manso Adubia and Agroyesum Mr.Kwaku Abonee stated that the fight to prevent covid-19 is a share responsibility of both the government and other stakeholders which as a philanthropist and a native of this district there is the need to assist our health facilities in this difficult times.

He said the disease is real and for that matter there is the need to fight the virus with all our seriousness and to create enabling environment for our front line health workers.

He said there is the need for every individual to adhere to all the protocols and to protect ourselves from all our day to days activities so we can avoid it spreading.

Today, Im join hands with the Government of Ghana as we present this PPEsto support our two main hospitals to aid in combating this pandemic.’’

‘’As we work together to combat this pandemic, which is impacting our livelihood, lifestyles, businesses and disrupting economic activities it is important that we continue to fight forward together by supporting each other’’, he added.

The Government of Ghana has taken drastic measures to contain the novel Coronavirus as the cases keep increasing so as citizens of this district let us all adhere to the government directives so that we can make this fight achievable”. Osama added.Meanwhile Mr.Ofosuhene Nayas District Health Director of Amansie South District commended the philanthropist for his kind gesture. He said the virus as a deadly disease need all the efforts from each and every individual.
He said four people were suspected to be infected with the virus but after the test they all proof negative.
He said the District Assembly has two isolated centers to manage any suspected cases. He opined that the best solution to make this virus control in the district is to adhere to all the protocols been enrolled by the president and other health officials. He concluded that the assembly as part of it responsibility has enroll so many measures to prevent the people from been infected with the virus.
He concluded that the the health officials in the district have put up some measures to tackle the virus which he appeal to the philanthropist from the district to show more love to the health facilities by donating the little that they have support the facilities.

In conclusion the acting medical doctor of St.Martin’s hospitals Dr.Digi also commended Mr.Kwaku Abonee aka Osama for his contributions towards this fight. He said St.Martins Hospital as an isolation centre lack PPEs which he appeal to more stakeholders to come to their aid.
He said the PPEs are very expensive which he appealed to other philanthropist to support the hospital both in money and other logistics.

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