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Bibiani Municipal Audit Committee Petitioned To Ensure Rectification Of Assembly’s 2021 Budget

The Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai Municipal Audit Committee in the Western North Region has been Petitioned to ensure rectification of the 2021 Assembly’s budget.
In a letter of petition signed by Mr.Amanfo Theophilous Berchie ,he indicated that the
ultimate show of responsibility for any leader, is the effective translation of efforts and actions to show competence, hard-work and service to the ordinary people.
He said,today unfortunately, the ability of leaders in local government is slowly declining as a result of unaccountability and gross disrespect for the rules of this country.
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I thus write with much urgency to bring to your notice that Assembly Members of the Bibiani Anhwiaso-Bekwai Municipal Assembly have still not ratified the substantive budget of 2021 to take effect in 2022, in reference to External Auditors Management Letter on IGF – 2021 Section 1.
This is very disturbing as reports indicate Officers of the Assembly are spending monies without approval.
I must bring to the fore that Section 12 of the Local Governance Act 2016, Act 932, gives specific instructions for the District Assembly to exercise political and administrative authority in the district whilst promoting local economic development and policy making.
Clause 2 of the same section goes on to delist the specific functions they are responsible for including the sponsoring of education and formulation of policies for effective resource mobilization.
Inferring from the above, it is obvious that majority of such functions provided under the act would require monetary and budgetary allocations for execution and this is why Section 123 of Local Governance Act 2016, Act 932 puts the District Assembly in charge of the its budget. While Section 80 of Local Governance Act 2016,  Act 932  gives the ultimate responsibility to the Departments of the Assembly to implement the decisions of the District Assembly.
However, I am of the high view that the Assembly has still been unable to ratify the 2021 budget and subsequently not approved any budget for spending due to internal wrangling and personal interests of some individuals.
As a concerned resident of this noble municipal with the best of intent and interests for this Assembly, I believe I speak for a majority of individuals who want progress and development to prevail due to retarded development in the Assembly.
The consolidation of future gains can only be made when leaders remain accountable to their people and make sustainable solutions for the problems we all face.
I would also add that these illegalities are not the first of their kind. These acts are very shameful and disgraceful and should not be condoned on any instance.
Nonetheless, I would wish to petition and appeal to your good offices to intervene in this matter and make good use of your office to quicken the process of ratification in seven- days  and finally, give the green light for official spending to be one for the progress of this community.
 If this happens, it will be rest assured that the Assembly will gain the full unwavering trust of the people and our support for every endeavor they wish to participate in.
It will also help put the worries of people to ease due to thorough investigation over alleged financial misappropriation. This will equally tout your office as a great custodian of Ghanaian statue law.
I look forward to a positive response from your outfit.
Yours faithfully,
Amanfo Theophilus Berchie
Resident of Bassengele Electoral Area
( 0550219247)
Cc: Auditor General
Ministry Of Finance
Public Accounts Committee
Members of the Audit Committee  Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai
Presiding Member
Coordinating Director
Finance and Administrative Subcommittee Chairman
All Assembly Members of Bibiani Ahnwiaso Bekwai
All Media Houses

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