General News Politics

Blocking SIM Cards Will Cause Your Defeat In 2024 – ““Vim Lady Tell NPP Gov’t



Ghana doesn’t need a leader with ‘Bofrot balls” who can’t function – Vim  Lady
Broadcast Journalist, Afia Pokua has cautioned the Ministry of Communication and the National Communication Authority (NCA) over the punitive measures introduced to punish persons who have not yet registered their SIM cards in the ongoing SIM reregistration exercise.
The SIM Card reregistration exercise is scheduled to end this month September 30, 2022 after the initial July 31 deadline was extended for two months.
But the NDC and the Communication Ministry with support from the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) have announced that all outgoing calls and data services on unregistered SIM cards will be blocked for two days Galamsey
This move is to force persons who have not yet reregistered their SIM cards to do so before the September 30 deadline.
This punitive measure, which has since been rolled out, will cost the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the forthcoming elections in 2024, according to Afia Pokua, popularly referred to as “Vim Lady”.
Reacting to citizens’ complaint about their difficulties in getting the National Identification Card, also known as the GhanaCard, the primary document required for the SIM card registration, Vim Lady says the government will pay dearly for blocking people’s SIM cards,
In a series of posts on her Facebook wall, Vim Lady, who works with the Despite Media Group, says “NPP govt paa dier, you want to break the 8 and you are blocking people’s SIM cards instead of fighting Galamsey”.“`

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