
Churches of Christ, Ghana constructs $ 3 M 150-bed Hospital at BOMSO



The Churches of Christ, Ghana, is putting up a 150-bed hospital at Bomso in the Oforikrom Municipality of Ashanti.

The Hospital, which is currently at the 1st floor level, will cost the Church three million Dollars through a financial of a U.S-based philanthropist and will ultimately upgrade the existing Churches of Christ Mission Clinic to expand its range of services to members of the public upon completion.

The Board Chairman of the Ghana Bible College, Professor Collins Fosu, announced this at Bomso near Kumasi at the 54the Graduation of the College.

The Ghana Bible College was established by US Missionaries of the Church of Christ about 62 years ago to train Ministers to drive the Church in Ghana towards churches planting and souls winning for the Kingdom of God in West Africa.

It has since produced thousands of Evangelists for the Church at its main Campus at Bomso near Kumasi and also at its satellite Campuses.

As a strategy of evangelism, the Missionaries attached to the Ghana Bible College a Clinic to serve the healthcare needs of both church members and members of the public.

At this year’s graduation ceremony for 43 students who have completed Bachelor, Diploma and Certificate programmes in Biblical Studies and Ministry, the Board Chairman of the Bible College, Professor Collins Frimpong, announced the construction of a 150-bed hospital to replace the Churches of Christ Mission Clinic to serve the health needs of the people through the benevolence of a philanthropic family in the U.S.A and urged members of the church in Ghana to also contribute towards the mission of the church in the country.

“This is a charitable venture by a family to the glory of God without any contribution from us here. We also own the Ghana Bible College. Let’s generously contribute to sustain and make it big”, the Board Chairman rallied members of the Church in Ghana.

The Principal of the Ghana Bible College, Emmanuel Antwi, announced that, the Church in the USA, who were financing operations of the College, have weaned the institution of its support thereby cutting any external financial aid.

It is now the obligation of members of the churches in Ghana to contribute generously toward sustenance of the College and its operations.

“They say Ghana is the 2nd highest membership of the Church in the world so if there’s any help to offer, they are re-direxting it elsewhere. We’ve more than enough members of the church in Ghana who can pool resources to finance the College to continue proclaiming the unadulterated word of God for the unborn generation”, Mr. Antwi urged.

The Principal announced that, management of the Bible College has introduced training in income earning ventures including mushroom production, snails rearing and bee-keeping for the students and their wives to generate additional income during their practice.


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