
Dunkwahene Rallies subjects to support fight against illegal mining on River offin



Nana Dr Okofrobuor Obeng Nuakoh III, the Dunkwahene, has charged his subjects and all stakeholders in the area to use every effort and resources at their disposal to complement his to fight against illegal mining on River offin and the bridge.

He also called on all landlords to expell anyone who is engaged in illegal mining from their houses or face his wrath .
According to Okofrobour , he is doing everything possible to ensure that,the illegal miners stop their activities and save the river bodies and forests in the area.
Speaking at the Akwasidae festival at his palace at Dunkwa, he lamented that ” if the citizenry and for that matter, government is not ready to change our attitude and mindset,there is nobody from nowhere that could save our water bodies and forests to develop the country, hence the need for the government to demonstrate the willingness and commitment to save and protect our water bodies and forests for the children unborn and the future leaders.
Nana Okofrobuor Nuakoh III used the occasion to honour and elevate Nana Kwadwo Enum, the Chief of Dunkwa Subinsu, and Nana Esi Annor both from the Agona royal family as Dabihene and Dabihemaa of Dunkwa traditional council.
Nana Okofrobuor advice them to continue the good works and hardworking they were doing for the recognition to improve the standard of living in the community.
He cautioned them to serve the people diligently but not to lord over them.
Nana Esi Annor thanked Okofrobuor Nuakoh III and Nananom for the honour done her, saying she would not let them down but would ensure that, the Dunkwa Queen-mother s Association become one of the vibrant Association among Queen-mothers in the country.
She stated that, she would ensure that, Queen-mothers occasionally visit schools to educate the young girls to become responsible mothers and women in the society.
Nana Kwadwo Enum on his part, expressed his profound gratitude and appreciation to Nananom and the Traditional Council for the honour.
He reminded the youth to always demonstrate good stewardship, sense of respect and humble in all their endeavours to be recognized one day for the good works.
He reminded them of the general elections around corner, pointing out that elections are contest of ideas and not war or a matter of who is strong, hence there is no need to fight one another because of political dispensation or expediency.
He stressed that, after one finish casting his or her vote you must go home and could be back at the polling center during the counting to observe but not to take a ballot box.
He reiterated that, anyone who misbehave is to destroy the electoral process, the law would deal with you to suffer alone to serve as a deterrent for others.
: Okofrobour Obeng Nuakoh III, the Chief of Dunkwa-on-Offin, in the Central Region, has called on all miners to stop desecrating and polluting the Offin river.

He noted that, the fact that Dunkwa is a mining town does not mean mining should be done irresponsibly and entreated all miners to reclaim mined areas and avoid the degradation and pollution of forests and water bodies.

The Dunkwa chief, who was addressing the chiefs and people at the forecourt of his palace, whilst observing Akwasidae last Sunday, said the people deserved clean and good water.

Nana Nuakoh reminded miners to, as much as possible, protect the environment whilst carrying out their activities in the interest of posterity.

He has, therefore, urged the Minerals Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be proactive and check the activities of illegal miners to save the land from wanton destruction.

The Dunkwahene also cautioned against indiscriminate invocation of curses at the least provocation, which practice leads to loss of lives. He warned that anybody arraigned for invoking a curse would be severely dealt with.

Meanwhile, Okofrobour Obeng Nuakoh, has debunked rumours doing the rounds in the locality that he was involved in illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, in the Offin River.

He explained that his gesture to help dredge the choked Offin River, as a result of years of mining in the Offin, Densu, Pra and Ankobrah Rivers, which flood the surrounding communities whenever it rains, does not mean he was engaged in illegal mining.

He mentioned that the Densu, Pra and Ankobrah rivers have been silted with sand and gravel due to galamsey activities, hence the exercise to complement government’s interventions.

According to him, his aim was to build a better community and improve upon the standard of living of his people, who are rather accusing him of complicity in illegal mining. END
the chief of Dunkwa on offin in central region Okofrbour Obeng Nuakoh 111 has charged all his sub chiefs to wear their boots and put on their guns to guard the river offin from being destroyed, by Changfen machine,
He explained that ,he and his guards personally arrested two galamseyers who are in court,
However, he said ,another four people were recently been arrested for using Changfen machines in the Offin river but were left off the hook by the police because of this he said, he and his sub chiefs are not going to sit unconcened I for these notorious galamseyers to destroy the river,
He also appealed to the (IGP) to charge his men to do the right by prosecuting anyone caught in destroying the river offin .

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