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Ejisu mce chases out illegal private developer



The Municipal security Committee of Ejisu in the Ashanti region headed by the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Samuel Oduro Frimpong has sounded a word of caution to a private developer who is flouting the laws of the assembly by filling a buffer zone which is a water way at Ejisu for
The purpose of developing the area.

The developer who has been doing this under cover especially during the night has blocked a major water course in the municipality which is likely to result into a major disaster in the near future.

Speaking to Journalists at the site, the MCE in the company of some national disaster management organization(NADMO) officials and some security personnel forewarned the developer to desist from the cruel activity or face the full rigors of the law .

“It doesn’t matter who gave the land of the so called developer; what we know is that the area is a buffer zone ” he stated.
The MCE has therefore ordered that the sand being used to fill the water way is removed for free flow of water .
He said any cost incurred by the assembly would be borne by the developer when he or she is found.

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