General News Politics

First In History:Former MMDCES Under Nana Addo To Picket At Jubilee House On Monday



Former Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs)who worked in the first administration of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo are set to picket at the Jubilee House next week, Monday,17th October,2022 over non payment of their End of Service Benefits (ESB) over a period of one year now.

The spokesperson of this category of government functionaries nationwide on a plea of anonymity for obvious reasons, said they had severally petitioned the President through the local Government Minister and a number of the media yet the payment has not been made

According to them, they are suffering in the hands of their own government because for a period of 12 months that they were sacked the government has refused to pay them their ESB.

He told the media that, since they were sacked from the government ,12 months ago, life has been unbearable following government’s inability to pay them their End of Service Benefits,

which situation has pushed some of them into abject poverty and others joining their ancestors.

The source claim their plight is so bad that most of them cannot even afford to pay their utility bills, let alone pay their wards’ school fees because of the sudden termination of their appointments.

According to the petitioner, most of the former MMDCEs currently depend on their wives or relatives for a living and hardly can afford three square meals while others are experiencing broken homes with a few reported cases of death.

The aggrieved MMDCEs, according to the spokesperson, have threatened to embark on a demonstration against their own government to press home their demand for the payment of their ESB next week.

According to sacked MMDCEs, they have no option than to demonstrate against their former employer if the President fails to meet their demand by next week.

They revealed that the economic hardship is so biting and that life has not been easy for them, since they were sacked from the government.

“The only way we can survive and enjoy life in this difficult time is to have access to our End of Service Benefits, ”the spokesman indicated and appealed to President Akufo-Addo to, as a matter of urgency, cause their ESB to be paid without any further delay because they are suffering.

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