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Ghanaians urged to embark on National prayers to safeguard the nation against greedy politicians, Occults




Ghanaians have been  urged to embark on National prayers in the interest of protecting and to safeguarding the country from greedy politicians and occultisms  amongst other spirit against the progress of the socio economic development.

Mr. Joseph Kwame Anane, a US based Ghanaian in a press briefing explained that, he is back in the country for the mission he said was a revelation from God to inform the nation of the need to pray and release the country from ”kanka Nyame” which he alleged was brought in the country by the first president Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, greedy politicians including Members of Parliament, Ministers and government appointees and others takes salaries with no work done, which he said is a ploy to enrich themselves at the expense of the country to development.
He also revealed and blamed occultism as part of the Dollar rate performing while the Ghana cedi continues suffering while businesses are on their knees.
He disclosed that, the occult are behind Ghana’s huge borrowing, as the always pushes government to borrow and turn round in buying the dollars to keep them to ensure that, there is a shortage in the market for them to be given it to bankers to sell at higher cost became of it’s scarcity on the market.
Teachers are suffering and patients suffering while Doctors and nurses are playing with phones and electronic gadgets, Civil servants going on strike which he said is rebellion against the nation and need not to be pay.

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