General News Sports

Ghana: Sports Minister Hot!!

  Residents of Akota, a farming community in  Atwima Mponua Constituency in the Ashanti Region have vowed to show the exit of their member of Parliament for the area, Mr. Isaac Kwame Asiamah doubling as Minister of Sports under the governing New Patriotic Party come election 2020 .    Their reason is, the member of Parliament for the area has performed abysmally since he was elected as the MP for the area.    According to them, Mr. Asiamah has failed to tell the floor of Parliament their worries and this has affected them in so many ways.    One major issue they raised was the MP’s inability to tackle social amenities challenges in the area.    The entire community is totally worried about the government’s inability to provide them with the needed basic social amenities that every Community is enjoying in the country.   They attributed their woes to the Sports Minister for failing to tell the government their worries.  The community lacks  toilet facility , there’s no CHPS compound, insecurity has been the order of the day ,no market structure as food gets rot during bumper harvest, among others.      The aggrieved youth narrated their ordeal to in an exclusive interview yesterday.     Pupils of Akota  suffer most  as teachers often turn down postings to teach in the community due to lack of basic social amenities.    Accommodation for teachers is nothing to write home about. The only  teachers’ quarters which was started last  three(3) years has been abandoned by the MP and the government of the day.    This and other factors have compelled them to vote against Mr. Asiamah in the 2020 Parliamentary and presidential elections.    Source Foster (Editor in-chief) 

One Reply to “Ghana: Sports Minister Hot!!

  1. Have read falsehood report about akotaa community vowed to unseat hardworking and affable member of parliament for Atwima Mponua ,let me set the record straight they are NDC’s who will never appreciate the good works of Hon Isaac kwame Asiamah since he assumed office he has provided the akotaa community with 1.five borehole,2.100duahdesk, establish jhs(they walk over6miles),4.roof , paid operators ,Labour for said teachers quarters 5.streetlights over 50 6.educational support to over 30 students, untalk of jerseys and football if not politics what else .

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