General News Politics

Ghc18,000 Bribery Scandal Hits Bosomefreho NPP Constituency Secretary 

Mr.Kofi Adu Amoateng, constituency secretary of Bosomfreho in the Ashanti region has used his position as constituency secretary of the ruling NPP to  extort money from his clients in the name of securing them a job at the  local government ministry and cocobod because he is in government.
Mr.Kofi Adu Amoateng,who also  work at the blood bank unit of  Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi is  accused of taken ghc18,000 bribe  from a man in the constituency (Name withheld) by promising him a job at the local government ministry.
After making full payment to Mr.Amoateng  things didn’t  work out as expected and the man in question decided to report the secretary to the DCE of which effort by the DCE to solve the situation didn’t yield any result.
Before then Mr.Amoateng had promised to get his client a job at the  local government ministry which he failed. Mr. Kofi Adu Amoateng desperately issued  fake appointment letter from cocobod to his client to be sent to Accra for the necessary documentation when he failed to secure his client job at the local government ministry.
This client was nearly caught by the Accra police for holding fake appointment  letter when he got to the cocobod head office but managed to escape from  the grips of the police.
This infuriated him and then chased Mr.Kofi Adu Amoateng for his money when he came down to the constituency.
Reliable source has it that Mr.Kofi Adu Amoateng has refunded GHC 10,000 to his client whom he nearly duped .
The rest of the money has not been paid back but with a promise of payment by the end of this month .
When Mr.Kofi Adu  Amoateng was contacted to speak to the issue  he only said he has not committed such a crime and promised to sue anybody who dare publish the story.
Later  that same day a colleague journalist called   to meet this reporter to explain things further of which Mr Amoateng had refuted and threatened to take legal action if the reporter  dare publish the news.
This colleague journalist met me at the Prison’s canteen at Adum Kumasi and pleaded on Kofi Amoanteng’s behalf after Kofi Amoanteng had arrogantly refuted the claims and threatened legal action against the reporter.

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