General News Health

Homeopathy Should Compliment Conventional Medicine – First Lady

 First Lady of the Republic of Ghana, H.E., Mrs Rebecca Naa Okaikor Akufo-Addo has called for greater integration of homeopathic and conventional medicine to enhance efficiency in medical treatments while making it more affordable to the ordinary person. Mrs Akufo-Addo made the remarks when she commissioned the new Nature’s Cure centre, a division of Impact Diagnostic Centre, in Accra today. Addressing distinguished invited guests at the short ceremony, Mrs Akufo-Addo said while alternative medicinal treatments like homeopathy which was popular in the twentieth century died down, the numerous benefits directly linked with the practice has created a wave of interest, with more and more people resorting to alternative medicine or as complementary to orthodox medicine.She observed that even though alternative medicines consistently receives some criticisms for being backwards and sometimes unreliable, its proven efficacy at treating many medical conditions has compelled its garnering of more followers. The First Lady expressed optimism that with the establishment of the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Directorate at the Ministry of Health, which provides guidance and direction for the practice in Ghana, more Ghanaians will feel comfortable and ready to resort to homeopathy and other alternative medications to conventional medicines, and where necessary consider an integrative approach to medical treatment.“Already”, she said “Health facilities like LEKMA, Police Hospital, Komfo Anokye and La Polyclinic are already running pilot projects, incorporating alternative medicine with conventional medicine.   Mrs Akufo-Addo congratulated the management of Nature’s Cure Centre for their determination to enhance confidence in homeopathy as an alternative medicine, through responsible and professional practice, stating that it is in line with government’s objective to provide safe comprehensive health services to Ghanaians. Group CEO of Impact Medical and Diagnostic Centre , Dashen opticians and Nature’s Cure, Mrs Aku Sika Bediako said the facility is resourced with homeopathic specialists who have been in the practice for decades and so are conversant with the professional administering of homeopathy as an alternative medication to conventional medicine. A Specialist in Hahnermann Homeopathy, Dr. Heinz Hubber advocated more practice of alternative medication, stating that in the absence of mechanical emergencies such as broken bones or displaced spine discs; homeopathy was a better alternative medication as its side effects are minimal and cost of administering it, less expensive.Source Foster 

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