General News Health

Hundreds attend free health screening as HOFM celebrates Christ festival

Hundreds of people in and around Alogboshie, a suburb of Achimota in Accra, attended a free health screening organized by House of Faith Ministries, Accra West District on Saturday, April 16, 2022.
The attendees were screened for various diseases including diabetes and hepatitis B, while their blood pressure levels among others were also checked for them.
They were also advised on living healthy lifestyles in order to avoid Hypertension, diabetes, kidney challenges, pregnancy related sicknesses, malaria, among others.
For many of the attendees, it was the first in more than two years they had given such attention to their health.
The health screening was part of activities planned by the Accra West District of House of Faith Ministries (HOFM) and the Destiny Focus Incorporated (DFI) to celebrate their maiden edition of Christ Festival.
Senior Pastor of HOFM Jesus Haus branch in Alogboshie, Rev. Joshua Dzramado giving an address before the start of the health screening noted that it was their desire to see people of the community in good health. He stressed that many of the attendees would receive medication for free as provisions for same had been made.
“This screening has a few additions to the regular ones. After going through the nurses’ tables where your vitals are taken, you go to the doctors for additional screening and medical advice. Attendees then proceed to the pharmacists’ table where prescriptions are administered. The key addition is the counselors table where pastors advance the gospel of Christ to attendees and also pray for them. There is also a table where you will be given some snacks, and another where used clothes for children are made available for selection by their mothers.” he added joyfully.
The head pastor also acknowledged donors towards the program
“I would like to thank all pharmaceutical companies that donated medical supplies to make this a success. They include M&G, DAS, Indus Health Sciences, Gokals, Pharmacy Royale and Zipharm pharmaceutical companies. I also acknowledge and appreciate the doctors for their voluntary service for making this a reality”
Attendees of the health screening could not hide their joy after going through the processes smoothly. One after the other they heaped praises on God and the Church.
“For them to screen us of these diseases and give us free medicines, snack and even dresses for our children, may the Lord give them back whatever they have spent on us”, Daavi Adzo added.
Another attendant who gave her name as Zuweira agreed to be prayed for, but said she could not attend the church since she is a Muslim. She was however full of appreciation and prayed God’s blessings on the church.
 Christ Festival is the maiden Easter Celebration instituted by the Accra West District of House of Faith Ministries. The maiden edition was a week-long celebration which involved a float, a home-to-home prayer outreach, two nights of a Mega Crusade, health screening and a massive Easter Sunday Thanksgiving Service.

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