General News Politics

Individual Meters To Be Fitted At Kejetia Market Soon -Kumasi Mayor



Barring any unforeseen situation and circumstances, traders at the Kejetia markets would soon get their individual electricity meters.

Speaking to this reporter Thursday morning, Mayor for Kumasi, Hon Samuel Pyne said a meeting between management and board of Kejetia Market Company Limited by next week would conclude arrangements for the implementation of the project.

He noted that a committee composed of representatives of the traders, management, Finance, KMA and the Local government Ministry would be sitting to ratify the arrangement so as to commence the individual metering.

‘’The Board and Management decided to set up a committee to put the project to tender and a contractor has been found but the decision has to be ratified before actual work commences and we are hopeful by next week the meeting would come off’’, the Mayor stated.


The mayor noted that the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) was concerned about the metering and electricity situation in the Kejetia Market.

He noted that this informed his decision to start a discussion on how to put the worrying matter to rest by engaging the Board and Management on the same.

The outcome of those deliberations, he noted, culminated in the setting up of the committee to come out with recommendations and a process to choose a contractor to implement the project.

‘’I believe when the separate or individual meters are fixed it would take away the issue of traders battling with management on the payment of electricity bills and ensure that what they consume is paid for’’, the Mayor stressed.


The Mayor noted the vision of the KMA is to ensure places where trading is done including the markets are made conducive for people to transact legitimate business .

Hon Pyne also said the Assembly was unrelenting in efforts to make the city clean, especially the market arenas in the metropolis.

‘’ We as an Assembly are committed to doing whatever we can to make the Kumasi metropolis clean and conducive for business at all times’’, the Mayor posited.


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