
Journey to Nkroful has come to stay -Hon Joana Gyan Declares



Member of Parliament hopeful for Amenfi Central in the Western Region on the ticket of the NDC,Hon Joana Gyan has indicated that, journey to Nkroful,an annual event meant to celebrate the birthday of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, first President of Ghana has come to stay.

According to her, her outfit will always liaise with organizers of the annual event in ensuring that our first President’s birthday is celebrated every year in a grand style.

She revealed that,as the first President of Ghana he needs to be celebrated because his contribution to the development of the Country can never be underestimated.

She called on Ghanaians to patronage the journey to Nkroful agenda to encourage citizens in the Country to also contribute their quota to the development of the Nation.

She was of the view that if we begin to celebrate our leaders who fought for the development of the Nation it will rather encourage the upcoming ones to also commit themselves for the progress of the Nation.

“I visited the house of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and saw the bed he slept on before dying and I said to myself that if Kwame Nkrumah slept on this bed and became first President of Ghana then I have hope that one day I will become the first female President of Ghana.”She asserted.

She however advised the youth in Nkroful, especially ,women not to belittle themselves no matter their situation but sit up right so that they can become somebody in the near future.

Hon Joana Gyan after contributing to the organization of the gargantuan week long event also donated GHC 70,000 for the refurbishment of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s mother’s residence.

Source: Ayisah Foster

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