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Man Seals Penis With Super Glue In Western Region

A thirty – two (32) year old scrap dealer (Condemn) by name  Mussah Seidu has ignorantly sealed the tip of his penis with a solution glue.
According to report ,he used the method to prevent frequent urination as a result of gonorrhea infection he acquired from sleeping with prostitutes in the area.
Musah Seidu , information available to is found of sleeping with prostitutes at Nananko,a mining community near Wassa Akropong in the Amenfi East Municipality in the Western Region.
According to report,the infection was so terrible to the extent that Musah Seidu used to urinate in every two minutes that compelled him to use glue to tighten the hole in the penis that allows urination.
The  victim  who has been in severe pain since after blocking  the urine with the solution  glue has been admitted at the hospital awaiting for surgical operation.
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 Source: Ayisah Foster|

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