General News Politics

Ministry Of Education Holds Maiden Thanksgiving Service



The Education Ministry on Tuesday began the year’s working activities with a thanksgiving service to thank God for the lives of its staff and management for the past year and also seek the face of God for the 2023 administrative year.

The event which is maiden in the annals of the Ministry brought together leaders and members of the various agencies under the Education Ministry, allied institutions, well-wishers and other development partners to sing songs of praise and worship after which a sermon was delivered by the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye.

Outline of vision and achievements
Apart from the song ministration and dancing, the Education Minister, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, used the occasion to outline some achievements of the Ministry and also highlight some new initiatives to be executed in the year.
The event was on the theme “Restructuring Education for national transformation: our Role” (Isaiah 33:6)
Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum praised all agencies, allied institutions, well-wishers and other development partners for their roles played towards the development of the nation’s education.
He urged them to continue working hard to push the education sector towards the transformation of the nation to become a giant in both education and other socio-economic facets of life.
The Education Minister assured the nation of his preparedness to continue implementing what he described as “common sense transformation” which is geared towards getting the best for the nation.
The Registrar of the National Teaching Council (NTC), Dr Christian Addai Poku, on behalf of the Agency Heads, expressed their gratitude to Dr Adutwum for the strategic direction he was pushing the sector towards for the good of the nation.
He described the Minister’s vision as apt since it was in line with what the nation was driving at for the transformation of the economy.
“You are indeed a transformational leader whose vision cannot be doubted if it comes to what can shape the fortunes of this country towards training creative thinking and assertive minds for the development of the country”. Dr Addai Poku said.
“On behalf of the Agency Heads, we pledged our support towards making Ghana the hub of education in the sub-region”.
Need to be appreciative
Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, reminded all Ghanaians to make it a point to thank God for the peace prevailing in the country.
He explained that accepting and appreciating the fact that one is alive was enough evidence to appreciate God’s love for mankind before requesting more help.
The Chairman urged all stakeholders in the education sector to come together and forge ahead for the good of the nation and stop seeking personal recognition.
Special prayers were said for the leadership of the country, the education ministry and agencies and all other institutions linked to the development of the nation.

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