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My Husband Used Me Sexually From Behind In front Of My Kids And His Friend – Woman Narrates


Julia recounts her trauma at the hands of her husband, a lady who has gone through a lot in her life. Julia was born into an impoverished household. She had no idea who her biological father was. Julia was never a student. She began prostitution when she was 14 years old in order to meet her basic requirements.



Julia had a baby while attempting to sell her body to guys. She eventually found a man who persuaded her to marry him instead of selling her body to men. Julia became his wife. The man succumbed to illness and died shortly after they had a kid together. Julia returned to prostitution, sleeping with men to support her children since she couldn’t find another employment.

Upon ruining her life, she met a man in a pub and told him about her ordeal. His heart was affected by her suffering, and he asked her to marry him. He’d be in charge of her children. She gave her permission and walked after him. Her problem had just begun. He had no idea he had a drug problem. She said that he would bring drugs home and force her to consume them before her children, as well as give her little children medications to swallow. Despite the fact that she was pregnant, he made her and the children take medications.

The catastrophe occurred suddenly. He returned home with his companion eight days after she gave birth. She hadn’t prepared supper yet. While his companion looked on, he smacked her, tore her clothing, leapt on her, and raped her from behind. After rapping her, he requested that his friend rap her from behind for him. Julia stated that she had left him with her children following the event. She’s returned to her previous way of life, despite it’s not easy to care for her children and enrol them in school, she’s content. She encourages women who are in abusive relationships to leave.

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