Education General News

N/R: Regional DASA congratulates Bagabaga College of Education new Principal



The Northern regional leadership of the Dagbon Students Association (DASA) has congratulated the newly appointed principal of the Bagabaga College of Educatio, Dr. Gazali Issahaku.

In a press statement, signed by the regional secretary of the Association, Mr. Sule Iddrisu said the appointing authority had made a right choice for the Institution following the appointee credentials in education.

“This great feet achieved, comes as no surprise to DASA, taking cognizance of how well you have served the University for Development Studies (UDS) your former Institution at different levels and in various capacities.

Indeed, your hard work, dedication and resilience in the Education sector, have duly been acknowledged”. He said.

Mr. Iddrisu hoped that the appointment of the new principal would help improve the standard of academic excellence at the college and Northern Ghana at large.

He pledged the Association commitment to support the principal and the entire management of the college.

Read the Press Statement Below.


The Dagbon Students Association (DASA) writes to congratulate you, Dr. Gazali Issahaku on your appointment as the new Principal of Bagabaga College of Education (BACE).

This great feet achieved, comes as no surprise to DASA, taking cognizance of how well you have served the University for Development Studies (UDS) your former Institution at different levels and in various capacities.

Indeed, your hard work, dedication and resilience in the Education sector, have duly been acknowledged. It is our hope that, having served as a Head of Department in your former Institution you will help improve the standard of education in the Northern region and Ghana at large.

We equally hope your appointment will be of utmost benefit to Dagbon students.

With Dr. Gazali Issahaku at the helm of affairs of BACE, DASA is optimistic that, you will bring your expertise to the fore, to help make the BACE greater.

DASA assures you of its full commitment to support you whenever need be, to help in the smooth running of the university. May your steps be well guided as you take on the mantle, of yet another enviable position.

Once again, the Dagbon Students Association (DASA) wishes to congratulate you on your appointment as the Principal of Bagabaga College of Education (BACE).


Sule Iddrisu
(DASA Regional Secretary)

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