General News Politics

Nana Addo Exchanges Our Grascutters With Mice -NDC Secretary

  The Deputy Ashanti  Regional Secretary of NDC, Mathew Kojo Njourkone has said the NPP Government’s deliberate killing of good paying jobs that offered employment to many Ghanaians in the  banking and other sectors of the economy and rather substituting it with the struggling NABCO program is like taking our grascutters and giving us mice in exchange.  The NDC Deputy Ashanti Regional Secretary noted that,  it is undeniable fact that some of the banks would have been in active business if this NPP government  had not stopped the business friendly policies of  the NDC and introduced  a throat cutting measures to kill these banks. According to Mr. Njourkone it appears the killing of these banks by the government was a deliberate act, otherwise how could a government intentionally raise the minimum paid up capital of banks by 234% ; from 120m to 400m while at the same time refuse to pay contractors who owe huge amounts of money to these banks making them unable to service their debt obligations which invariably could have saved the banks from  collapsing. He wondered.  Mr Njourkone figuratively  intimated that, you don’t take our grascutters and give us mice and sing praises to  yourself that you’ve done well.  He hinted that, It is strongly rumoured that, up to date, some banks currently in  operation have not met the expected conditions used as  yardstick to eliminate other banks from operation yet they are allowed to operate. He was emphatic that if such allegations are found to be true, that  would be discrimination and would constitute illegality. He lamented that, a government that  came to power on a promise to creat more jobs is ending up killing the few jobs that  existed prior to their coming.  Mr Njourkone wondered why the government should use GHC14 billion to kill seven (7) banks when that amout was what those banks needed to survive or meet the GHC 400M minimum paid up capital demanded by the government. ” Is it not a better option to invest that amount in those banks and have a stake in their operations so as to save jobs and to also prevent other negative effects that might ensue if the workers of those banks became unemployed ?”. He asked “Nana Addo and his NPP promised us Heaven but have led us to hell. Let us all resolve and deem it a  call to duty to massively vote out  this deceitful NPP Government in 2020 to save Ghana from further retrogression and mismanagement”. He /Ayisah Foster 

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