
NDC leadership urged to address internal wraggling to enhance peace towards victory 2024



The leadership of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has been urged to address the internal warnggling within the party’s Executives, especially, the parliamentary aspirants and executives who lost at the primaries.

Mr. Precious Agbenya, Member of the National Communication team of the party, told The Punch that, all is not well in some sections of the constituencies after the parliamentary primaries since May this year.

According to him, there are bitterness sentiments and disillusionment within the National Democratic Congress (NDC), especially in some constituencies, which he said needs crucial attention to help address the negative impact of such bitterness within the party leaders and the forward match of the members to ensure victory come 2024.

He was of the view that, it is essential to recognize that bitterness does not only affect the party’s leadership but also has far-reaching consequences that extend to all members, says as the party approaching the elections, it is imperative for them as NDC members to rise above bitterness, embrace unity, and prioritize peace as the key to their success and victory in 2024.

He lamented that, should the NDC fail to unite as one party towards the elections, they may not get the opportunity to contest another election should they lose the 2024 elections since people who are 40 years now will be 45 years, while those in their fifties will be fifty-five years, and individuals in their sixties will be sixty-five years.

He stressed the importance and urgency in setting aside the bitterness by focusing on unity and peace within the NDC.

He indicated that, time is essence, and for that matter, cannot afford to waste it on internal conflicts or divisions, hence they must come together and leverage their collective experience, wisdom, and energy to work towards a brighter future for the party and their Nation.

He stated that, one of the fundamental principles that make a political party strong and resilient is unity, and expressed the importance in realizing that, harboring bitterness weakens the party’s foundation and creates divisions among its members.

He reiterated that, the NDC must stand united with understanding that their collective strength lies on their ability to work together towards a common purpose of bringing the party into government, instead of dwelling on past grievances and ill-treatment.
Mr Agbenya encouraged mambers of the party to prioritize the greater good of the party with the nation at hearts, and reminded them that, it is crucial to recognize that four years in opposition, coupled with the months leading up to the 2024 election, would be disastrous for the NDC with Continuous bitterness and internal conflicts will only widen the gap between the party and the electorate.
He said, Ghanaians are yearning for a strong and united opposition that can present a compelling alternative to the ruling government, and indulging in bitterness, they risk squandering the opportunity to bring about the positive change that Ghanaians desperately needs.
He stated that, to secure victory in 2024, the NDC needs to adopt a new approach rooted in peace and reconciliation, says peace is not just a lofty ideal, but a practical necessity for the party’s survival.
He disclosed that, forgiving and letting go of the past, seeks to create room for healing and growth, and entreated members to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose, focusing on the issues that really matters to Ghanaians and championing the cause of the marginalized and vulnerable.

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