Further to our NUGS/ADMIN/JUNE/003 dated Wednesday, 5ht June 2024, on the above subject matter.
It it with a deep sense of urgency and concern that we, the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS), find ourselves compelled to write to you once again regarding our previous request for the establishment of Vote Transfer Centers on university campuses across Ghana.
This follow-up has become necessary due to the inability of thousands of students to transfer their votes during the recent voter transfer exercise, as a result of their academic commitments, coupled with the prohibitive costs
of travelling to their registered polling stations.
Given these pressing circumstances, we implore the Electoral Commission to revisit our plea with the gravity and
urgency it deserves. We propose, ni good faith, a dialogue between the Electoral Commission and NUGS to
explore all possible avenues, including the extension of deadlines for vote transfers. Our commitment to finding a workable solution is unwavering, and we are prepared to assist in any capacity necessary.
Our students look to your office with hope and trust, believing in the Commission’s mandate to uphold the
democratic rights of every Ghanaian citizen. We request, with utmost respect and ni good faith, that hte Electoral Commission act swiftly to extend the registration timeline and prevent the disenfranchisement of a significant
segment of our electorate.
Thakyouforyouatentiontoti cricalineVousinyoureaderstipandcomineroatreande electoral process.
University of Ghana,
Accra City Campus, Old Block, 3rd Floor
P.O.BoxGL 1237, Legon -Accra
nugs.org g h Secretariat@nugs.org.gh
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Al correspondence regarding this request should be made via; E-mail: Secretariat@nugs.org.gh or call +233 54 316 9495/+233 20 372 582.
Yours Sincerely.
DanicLOpponeKteremetr 57h President
taK Nor 9 7
University ofGhana,
Accra City Campus, Old Block, 3dr Floor
. P 0 . B o x LG 1 2 3 7 , Legon -Accra
nugs.org gh Secretariat@nugs.org.gh
Ismail Tuohesung Issahaque General Secretary
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