Education General News

Standard of Ghana’s education has not  fallen-Lecturer

A senior lecturer cum acting head of the Educational Studies department at Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) in Mampong in the Ashanti region of Ghana, Dr. Jacob Manu, has challenged the assertion that the standard of education in the country had fallen.
“I hear this from learned professors that the standard of education has fallen. I humbly beg to differ,” Dr Manu said in an interview.
“It’s a little bit hard to say something has fallen when you don’t have like indicators to actually determine when was education system in Ghana was the best and during that time what was the benchmark, the yardstick upon which you will compare and say now it has fallen. Was there a time that students were able to do certain things but now they cannot do? Were they doing the same courses around that time? Do they have the same infrastructure? And so on and so forth. So you cannot just walk out and say education in Ghana has fallen. I don’t agree,” Dr. Manu argued.
The instructional designer and technologist were however quick to add that “education in Ghana needs a lot of overhauls” because “many of the policies and the programmes and the projects that are going on have been more politically motivated”.
Dr. Manu has urged stakeholders to back their claims with well-researched indicators in helping to overhaul the country’s educational system.

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