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Stop attacks on us at galamsey sites to avoid a clash – Military cautions youth



Brigadier General Joseph Aduko Aphour, General Officer Commanding, Central Command has expressed a cause of worry over the posture of some locals towards troops on anti galamsey operations.

According to him, the devastation of illegal mining otherwise known as galamsey is causing to water bodies, farmlands and the environment as a whole, and inspire of the efforts being put in place by the Commander in Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, military and other stakeholders to bring galamsey to a halt, some unscrupulous and srlf-seeking individuals or cabal have decided to thwart the strides.
He stated that, the posture of some locals towards troops on anti- galamsey operations has been a cause to worry, says there have been instances where some locals pelted troops with stones and any other harmful materials they laid their hands on.
He said some of these individuals sometimes wield deadly weapons against troops, all in attempt to frustrate troops from undertaking their legally sanctioned duty.
He was of the view and hope that, the approximate stakeholders would impressed upon to caution their youth to desist from such act to avoid any clash with the military and other security agencies.
Speaking on the occasion of the 2022 End of Year WASSA of Headquarters Central Command (Camp), he stressed that, the military are determined to unrelentingly combat the canker so long as the 1992 constitution mandates them.
He stressed that, it’s worthy to note that, the year 2022 recorded the arrest of several illegal miners and seizure of their equipment, this he said goes to attest to their readiness in dealing decisively with perpetrators of those monstrous act.
Brigadier General Aphour, also sound a note of caution to all troops to refrain from indulging in illegal or one – man operations, he stressed that, any soldier who is found culpable of such unprofessional behavior will be dealt with accordingly.

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