General News Sanitation

Take a cue from Sefwi Wiawso Trad. Council to support Govt. fight Galamsey. Anti Galamsey Advocate tasks Chiefs



The founder of the Advocates for Anti Galamsey and Environmental Degradation, has lauded the efforts of the Traditional authorities within the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council in the western north region for stamping upon their authorities to declare the total support to the government in the fight against Illegal mining ( Galamsey ) activities after government through the Hon . Lands and Natural Resources minister Mr Samuel Abu Jinapor has given chiefs the mandate to actively partner government in the fight against Galamsey activities in the country.

According to Mr Isaac Kobena Okyem , the leader of the Anti Galamsey Advocacy group, the Decree issued recently by the Paramount chief of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council , Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama ll to ban every illegal mining activities in all the ( 6 ) out of the total ( 9 ) Municipal and District Assemblies namely Sefwi Wiawso, Bia east , Akontombra, Bia west, Bodi , and Juaboso in the western north region is yielding results that has seen the Bia and Tano and the Sui rivers that shares boundary with Karlo Dadieso , Tano river before Nzawoa, Bia on Bonsu Nkwanta road through Tano Dwinase.

When i led my team of Anti Galamsey Advocacy group to the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional area over the weekend to monitor the activities of the Galamseyers, after Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama ll, has issued a Decree earlier last month to ban illegal mining activities we witnessed to ourselves a tremendous improvement of the rivers which has over the years been polluted as a results of illegal mining activities.

The special task force team formed by Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama ll has made it possible for the Bia , Tano and Sui rivers regain its natural form as it used to be when Galamsey activities have not polluted it.
This is a clear signal that the task force team of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council are up to the task because our information as an Anti Galamsey Advocacy group was that they constantly patrol in all the 6 MMDA’s that forms the Traditional council to clamp down on the Galamsey activities.
This clearly shows the total commitment exhibited by Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama ll to partner government to fight the Galamsey menace which i am appealing to every paramount chief who finds himself in mining areas to also take a cue to support the government to salvage the country ‘s river bodies and the forest reserves .

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