General News Politics

UPP National Organizer Rubbishes Radio Insult  Made By NPP Communicator Against JDM On Hot FM


Stephen Kwaku Saahene, National Organizer of the opposition United Progressive Party is not happy about comment made by an NPP Communicator against an NDC communicator and his Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama on Hot FM not long ago.

The  2020 Parliamentary Candidate for Bantama constituency on the ticket of the United Progressive Party  in the Ashanti region made it clear that ,for NPP Communicator to insult an opponent to the extent of insulting it Flagbearer is something we need not to entertain in the Country.

He is by this statement calling on the President of the Republic to call his men to order.

Adding that, looking at this current economic hardship such comments warrant immediate actions.

According to him,the ethnocentric comment by the NPP Communicator breeds war and should be discouraged.

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