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Vastu Tips: Never do THESE things while using a broom at home to avoid financial problems


Vastu Tips: The broom is considered a symbol of Lakshmi in Vastu Shastra. Know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do while using a broom at your house.

Vastu Tips

Vastu tips: If you are using the broom in your home or office even after it is broken, then it is absolutely wrong from the point of view of Vastu. The broom should be replaced immediately after it is broken. Cleaning the house with a broken broom invites many problems.

The broom is considered a symbol of Lakshmi in Vastu Shastra. Therefore never touch the broom with your feet. This is considered an insult to Goddess Lakshmi and it can also lead to many financial problems in the house.

Never keep a broom behind or adjacent to the cupboard or a locker in which you keep money or other valuables. This results in loss of money.

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