
Setting the records straight on Bonsawire and Mantsin telecommunications network situation



The people of Bonsawire and Amantsin have long struggled with access to telecommunications networks, an essential service for both communication and economic activity in this digital age. During a recent community engagement exercise, the NDC Parliamentary hopeful for Tarkwa Nsuaem, Hon. Issah Taylor, visited the people of Bonsawire to understand their pressing needs. The chiefs and people of the community unanimously raised one major issue: lack of access to telecommunications network coverage.

In his usual proactive manner, Hon. Issah Taylor immediately assured the community that he would resolve the issue. True to his word, he engaged a contractor from Accra to install a high-range telecommunications tower to serve Bonsawire. The cost of the project was $15,000, with an initial mobilization fee of $5,000 required to begin work. On 28th March 2024, Hon. Taylor made the necessary payment, and the contractor promptly moved to Bonsawire to commence the project.

The team that led the contractor to the site included notable figures such as the NDC Constituency Chairman Hon. Danladi Salifu, Hon. Issah Taylor’s Personal Aide Mr. Sani Abdul, former constituency NADMO Coordinator Mr. Kenneth Mensah, and others. They were warmly received by the chief of Bonsawire, Nana Ampong Kwesi, the Abusuapayin, and the Assemblyman Hon. Maxwell Kingdom. After successful feasibility studies, the chiefs willingly signed an agreement for the release of land to mount the network tower.

Encouraged by the progress at Bonsawire, Hon. Taylor expanded his vision to nearby Benso Amantsin, where he similarly instructed the Assembly Member to secure land for the project. The contractor was prepared to proceed and mount the towers at both locations. However, just as the contractor was about to move to Amantsin, a shocking intervention occurred.

A call came from the National Communication Authority (NCA), instructing the contractor to halt all work immediately. Allegedly, the source of this interference was none other than the sitting MP for Tarkwa Nsuaem, Mr. Mireku Duka. According to reports, Mr. Duka, who also serves as Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, had taken deliberate steps to stop the project, warning the contractor that failure to comply would result in harassment from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

It is unfortunate, but not surprising, that Mr. Mireku Duka would resort to such desperate measures to protect his political interests at the expense of his constituents. For years, the people of Bonsawire have submitted countless requests to Mr. Duka to address their network challenges, only to be ignored. His excuse? They did not vote for him in the 2020 elections. Now, seeing Hon. Issah Taylor’s genuine efforts to solve the problem, Mr. Duka has chosen to sabotage a project that would improve the livelihoods of the very people he is supposed to serve.

This act of obstruction is a stark reminder of the misplaced priorities of some leaders who prioritize political gain over the welfare of their people. Hon. Issah Taylor’s commitment to the people of Tarkwa Nsuaem stands in sharp contrast to Mr. Duka’s negligence and interference. It is clear who is working for the benefit of the community and who is focused solely on maintaining power.

Hon. Issah Taylor remains resolute in his mission to bring development to Bonsawire and Amantsin. Though the telecommunications project has been delayed due to this unfortunate political interference, Hon. Taylor has assured the communities that their needs will not be forgotten. The contractor has expressed his willingness to proceed once the political environment allows it, and the project will resume after the upcoming elections.

The people of Tarkwa Nsuaem deserve leaders who will stand by them and work for their progress, not those who block development for selfish political reasons. It is time for the constituents to take note of these actions and make the right choice for a brighter future.

The records are now clear: the blame for the stalled telecommunications network project in Bonsawire and Amantsin lies squarely at the doorstep of Mr. Mireku Duka.

By Sani Abdul Aziz
PA to Issah Salifu Taylor

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