Business General News

Buffloaf (Bofrot) to be sold at GHC 5

Prices of local pastry, ‘bofrot’, is said to increased due to the high cost of oil, flour, sugar  and other ingredients used in it  preparation
Speaking with Sir Mike, host of Asanteman Dawuro on Asanteman fm, Auntie Ama Serwaa, spokesperson for Oforikrom ‘bofrot’ fryers and sellers said, the prices of the buffloaf  can range from Ghc 2.00  to Ghc 5.00 if no immediate intervention is made by the government.
She suggested that government should import more oil, flour, sugar and the other ingredients to pressure traders who are hauling their goods to sell at lower  price.
Aunte Serwaa revealed that, business has halted since last Saturday when the price of oil increased to Ghc 1000.
She said, today that they bounced back to work there has been a huge lose.
Story filed by Barbara Koranteng.

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