Education General News

Captured In 2022 Budget:Kumawuman Girls’ SHS To Be Established-DCE Assures

Hon. Samuel Addai Agyekum, District Chief Executive of Sekyere Kumawu in the Ashanti Region has  indicated his strongest desire to ensuring that girls within Sekyere Kumawu District experience the best of formal education, hence the establishment of the Kumawuman Girls’ Senior High School which has been captured in the 2022 budget statement.
He further reiterated that the Kumawuman Girls’ Senior High School has been a long term dream of the district.
According to him,the construction of the Girls’ school  will help female students to acquire formal education in the area.
Mr. addai Agyekum further indicated that,amongst several strategic and critical projects to see fruition is the construction of an ultramodern “Kumawuman Girls’ Senior High School” in Kumawu.
He made the statement at the assembly’s  general meeting held yesterday  for the presentation of the 2022 budget statement.
The traditional authorities together with other stakeholders expressed joy with plans in place for the construction of the girls’ senior high school, which will have enormous benefits on the beneficiaries in the Sekyere Kumawu enclave. It also will encourage girl-child education within the area.
Hon. Samuel Addai Agyekum through the budget officer used the occasion and enumerated on  number of projects completed and those yet-to-be completed.
He mentioned such completed projects and interventions as:
* Constructed CHPS compound at Wonoo Presby Mission
* Manufactured and distributed 500 dual and mono desk for basic schools
He revealed that,a total of 4,752 people have been trained on Modernized Agricultural Practices (No-till agriculture, Value Chain in Agriculture and demonstration farms)
* 20-unit ground floor lockable stores constructed at Kumawu market
* Constructed 1no. 10 seater WC toilet facility at Apebiakyere
* Constructed and furnished a 1no. Fire Service station with packing bay
* Constructed and furnished a 1no. Police Station at Akotosu to improve security in the district
* 3-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities is being constructed at Woraso
* Construction of CHPS compound at Abotanso at completion level etc …
Also, the district is bent on supporting community self-initiated projects such as:
* Completion of 2no. toilet facilities at Oyoko
* Completion of Bodomase Presby JHS
* Completion of the Chief Park
* Construction of Police station at Banko
* Expansion of Cocoa, Cashew, Pawpaw and Rice seedlings to farmers
* Construct canopy walkway, recreational centers and tree houses at Bomfobiri water falls.
Despite the above listed projects, new ones have been captured in the budget statement to be undertaken next year.

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