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Christians Celebrate Rev Alfred Nyamekyeh, Rev Dr Mrs Esther Nyamekyeh @70


The entire membership of the House of Faith Ministries worldwide, a famous Charismatic Church whose vision is making Christians missionaries for God celebrated its Founder and the wife, Reverend Alfred Nyamekyeh and Reverend Dr Mrs Esther Nyamekye over the weekend including a dinner for the couple on Friday.

The trailblazers were celebrated for attaining the age of 70 at various times last year and for being in the missionary work for the Lord for over five decades. 

The couple, widely regarded as pioneers of soul winning and evangelistic work in Ghana, were aptly described by Reverend Steve Asante, a retired Baptist Minister as having complimentary giftings.

At an all white attire coronation event at the church premises on Sunday, members of House Faith and other Christians as well as people from diverse backgrounds including Chiefs participated in the service. 

While Reverend Alfred Nyamekyeh is famously noted for being an uncompromising practitioner and preacher of righteous living, Dr Mrs Esther Nyamekyeh is also noted worldwide as a classic Gospel Minister whose songs have been life changing.

Preaching the sermon after the presentation of citations from various Christian groups and organisations, Reverend Dr Isaac Quaye from the Word of Life Christian Church said the couple have by their lifestyles shown that they know God and kept their faith in Him.

The Preacher asked the congregation to carefully watch the lifestyles of the House Faith Founder and wife and emulate same since that would make them end well.

Rev Dr Quaye rallied Christian leaders to be guided by the discipline of the couple and work to tell others about Christ.

“Any Christian leader whose passion is on any other thing apart from soul winning is backsliding. Ours is to lead people to Christ and nothing else since God promises to add the rest we may need in our work”, Rev Quaye stressed.

Leading the way of testimonies, the Kumasi Ministers fellowship described Reverend and Dr Mrs Nyamekyeh as a solid gift to the body of Christ. 

Rev Kingsley Appiagyei, a Baptist Minister in United Kingdom said there was no way anyone would miss his way in life if they follow Christ Jesus just as the couple had done.

The Chief of Jachie told this reporter that the life of the House Faith Founder and wife was inspirational.

In a moving tribute, the Children described their father as a friend, counsellor and inspiration.

They also commended their mother for being the best they could have gotten in life and recalled the godly principles she had instilled in them including their way of dressing.

Speaking on behalf of the wife and his person,  Rev Alfred Nyamekyeh thanked the various groups and organisations that had thronged the church to celebrate them. 

He also commended the church leaders and the congregation of the House of Faith Ministries for showing commitment to the course of the Lord and for granting him the opportunity to lead them as General Overseer. 

The Founder noted that despite attaining the age of 70 with the wife their heartbeats remain on missionary work and would work to ensure the Gospel reaches everyone the Lord brings on their way.

“I have a word to all Christian leaders that despite you hearing from God don’t intimidate your members with That Saith the Lord but think through the vision with them and if it is from God time would vindicate you”, the Founder stated.


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