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Covid-19 strain: Indian strain ‘Delta’ of Coronavirus show for Ghana


Biomedical Scientists for Ghana say Indian strain of CVID-19 enter de Country.

Head  of West Africa Center for Cell Biology and Infectious Pathogens, Professor Gordon Awendare confirm news of de Indian variant for Ghana.

De Indian strain which dem nickname ‘Delta’ according to World Health Organization (WHO) be de “variant of concern.”

Dis variant be one of forty-five (45) variants which dey de country.

But biomedical science officials say de presence of dis variant be alarming.

Dis be sake of de stubborn nature of de virus strain which most vaccines like AstraZeneca den Sputnik V no dey fit fight.

Professor Gordon Awendare reaveal say “All dis while we dey we dey follow AstraZeneca den Sputnik V.

“But now we for shift towards Pfizer den others which get better chance at protecting against de virus.”

“Covid-19 strain”: Indian strain ‘Delta’ of Coronavirus show for Ghana
Dis new variant go be de second afta de genomic sequencing by Ghana scientists bin discover a new variant of Covid in January, 2021.

How de Indian variant enter Ghana
Health Officials say de Indian variant enter Ghana through de airport sake of de borders be open wey people dey go in and out.

Professor Awendare reveal say de country for step up safety protocols for de main entry point like de Airport to stop de importation of dis virus.

Studies into dis virus dey show say e dey spread easy pass other Covid-19 variants.

Health Authorities start dey make moves to address de presence of dis virus den manage de spread for Ghana.

“Covid-19 strain”: Indian strain ‘Delta’ of Coronavirus show for Ghana
Wetin we call dis foto,
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Ghana record 95,059 cases of Covid-19 since de virus enter de country last year, according to Worldometer coronavirus update today.

Out of dis number 93,005 people recover wey 794 people die.

In January, Ghana scientists discover a new variant of Covid-19 after genomic sequencing show say de virus enter de country.

President Nana Akufo-Addo reveal say dem find de new strain inside passengers who arrive for de airport.


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