General News Politics

Electoral Commission Is Boiling; Over 20 Officers Likely To Be Interdicted


The affected officers are likely to be interdicted based on the laws governing the declaration of assets before occupying such positions.

Not only that, the 21 officers refused to prove themselves clean with Police clearance. Per the laws of Ghana, they were expected to present a Police report declaring them free of any criminal record. After audit, it became clear that the affected officers refused to honor that.

The office of the Electoral Commission of Ghana is guarded with so many laws which every officer is expected to obey. Don’t forget that the former Electoral roll Boss was sacked from office after breaching just one of the laws. Charlotte Osei went against procurement laws and had to be interdicted and subsequently sacked.

Well, lets see how this one will go. What’s good for the geese is equally good for the gander.

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