General News Politics

Eschew Politics Of Insults-Odeneho Kwaku Appiah To NPP Members


NPP Constituency Chairman for Afigya Kwabre South in the Ashanti Region,Odeneho Kwaku Appiah has admonished party members in the country, especially those in his constituency to eschew politics of insults to avoid political tension in the country.

He pointed out that party members could communicate their messages to the electorate without insult and advised them to be measured in their utterances to maintain the peace.

Odeneho Kwaku Appiah said this when speaking to party members and ‘Nananom’ at Atimatim at a short ceremony organized to commence the construction of Chairman junction to ‘Kokoano’ road yesterday .

According to Odeneho Kwaku Appiah,it’s about time party members propagate the good message of the party to electorates because NPP has done alot that needs to be sold.

“How do you convince someone to vote for you during election after insulting that particular person? so I’m telling you politics is not about insult but issues”He further indicated.

He revealed that, very soon ,the district Chief Executive for the area,Hon.Christian Adu Poku will come out with a book that has the achievement of the district under president Nana Addo Dankwah’s administration and ‘Nananom’ would be copied.

He said,Afigya Kwabre South Constituency has achieve alot in terms of developmental projects.Adding that, these achievement need to be sold out to the populace by party members and not insults.

Odeneho Kwaku Appiah noted,the party was committed to pursuing issue–based campaign as a way of convincing Ghanaians of a better alternative in governance come 2020 elections.

He indicated that the party would not indulge in any discussion that had the tendency to inflame political tension in the country.

He however called on the electorates to vote for president Nana Akufo Addo and also retain the candidature of Hon.Owuraku Aidoo for development.

Source: Foster

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