
GNMTA calls on govt to address allowance delays



The Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees’ Association (GNMTA) has issued a call to the government, urging swift action to address the long-standing issue of allowances for trainee nurses and midwives.

According to the association, the matter of allowances for nurses and midwives has remained unresolved for over a year, leading to significant hardship for the trainees who rely on these allowances to support their education and well-being.

In a statement dated July 25, the GNMTA expressed their frustration, stating that despite submitting several petitions to the government requesting the timely payments of allowances, their efforts have yielded no positive results so far.

The ongoing delay in disbursing the allowances has only exacerbated the challenges faced by trainees, who heavily depend on these payments to cover their educational expenses and maintain their quality of life during their training.

The Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees’ Association (GNMTA) urgently calls upon the government of Ghana to address the critical matter of trainee nurses and midwives’ allowances, which has remained unresolved for over a year. We implore the government to act swiftly and provide the necessary financial support to alleviate the burdens faced by trainees in this pressing matter.

Despite the initiation of several petitions submitted to the government of Ghana, no resolution has been achieved yet in regard to the payment of trainee nurses’ and midwives’ allowances. This prolonged delay has exacerbated the hardships faced by the trainees who depend on these allowances for their education and well-being. We humbly appeal to the government to prioritize and expedite the resolution of this matter immediately”.

Read below a statement issued by Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees’ Association


The Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees’ Association (GNMTA) urgently calls upon the government of Ghana to address the critical matter of trainee nurses’ and midwives’ allowances, which has remained unresolved for over a year. We implore the government to act swiftly and provide the necessary financial support to alleviate the burdens faced by trainees in this pressing matter.

Despite the initiation of several petitions submitted to the government of Ghana, no resolution has been achieved yet in regard to the payment of trainee nurses and midwives’ allowances. This prolonged delay has exacerbated the hardships faced by the trainees who depend on these allowances for their education and well-being. We humbly appeal to the government to prioritize and expedite the resolution of this matter immediately.

The trainees, who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to their studies and professional development, have been left disillusioned and betrayed by the government’s blatant refusal to honour its promises. In an act of sheer injustice, the government of Ghana has displayed a disturbing lack of empathy by denying trainee nurses what they rightfully deserve – the payment of allowances, as previously pledged. This undermines the very essence of fairness and plunges the hopes and aspirations of these diligent health professionals into despair.

The trainee nurses and midwives, who have been indispensable pillars of the nation’s healthcare system, have been gravely affected by this gross dereliction of duty. Despite their unwavering commitment and the crucial role they play in providing quality healthcare services, the government has failed to compensate
them for their invaluable contributions.

The fallout from this egregious failure by the government is already evident, as trainee nurses and midwives face severe financial hardships, hindering their ability to focus fully on their essential training and achieving the highest levels of expertise in their field. This failure presents a major setback not only for the trainees themselves but for the entire healthcare sector of Ghana.

It is imperative that the government of Ghana swiftly addresses this issue and takes immediate action to right
this wrong. The trainee nurses and midwives deserve nothing short of the government’s unwavering
commitment to fulfill its obligation to pay the promised allowances. Delaying justice will simply deepen the
disillusionment and resentment among trainee nurses and midwives. We call upon the government to rectify
this injustice without further delay, to restore faith in its commitment to the healthcare sector, and to reestablish its role as a responsible custodian of the nation’s future healthcare professionals

The current circumstances have placed Ghana’s trainee nurses and midwives in dire situations, making it
exceedingly difficult for them to meet essential financial obligations. Trainees are struggling to pay their fees,
causing additional stress and anxiety regarding their education. The inability of final-year students to remit
their licensure fees jeopardizes their chances of professional advancement. Furthermore, the inability to afford
basic necessities has resulted in trainees facing a crisis of sustenance.

It should be underscored that trainee nurses and midwives are facing extraordinarily challenging times.
The gravity of the situation necessitates immediate action from the government. We firmly believe that it is
the responsibility of the government to address these urgent needs promptly, reassuring trainees that their
concerns are being earnestly attended to.

The trainee allowance plays a crucial role in supporting nurse and midwife trainees in Ghana, particularly
during their practicals. This allowance serves as a much-needed cushion against exorbitant expenditures,
ensuring that trainees can fully focus on their practical training without financial stress. Moreover, it is
important to note that trainees do not have the luxury of going home during vacations, as they are
compulsorily engaged in practical training. Thus, the trainee allowance becomes even more essential in
meeting their daily needs.

Research has shown that trainees are indispensable to the healthcare sector, contributing approximately 40% to
the overall provision of healthcare services in Ghana. This significant contribution highlights the vital role that
nurse and midwife trainees play in ensuring the well-being of Ghanaian citizens. Their dedication, expertise,
and invaluable support greatly enhance the overall quality of healthcare services provided in the country.
However, it is distressing to note that the government of Ghana has failed to fulfil its mandate to pay a nurse
and midwife trainees’ allowance.

The trainee allowance is not simply an entitlement but rather a necessary investment in the future of healthcare
in Ghana. We urge the government to prioritize the disbursement of these funds, addressing the current delays
and ensuring that nurse and midwife trainees receive their due allowances in a timely manner. Failure to do so
risks undermining the motivation and dedication of these trainees, which could ultimately have a detrimental
impact on the entire healthcare system.

GNMTA and appropriate stakeholders in the healthcare sector implore and beseech the government of Ghana to demonstrate its commitment and swiftly fulfil its obligations towards nurses and midwife trainees. We call for immediate action to rectify the disbursement delays, recognizing the critical role these trainees play in the provision of healthcare services and the significance of the trainee allowance in supporting their vital work. GNMTA remains committed to supporting its members and advocating for their rights. We are confident that
the government will prioritize the resolution of this matter, working collaboratively with the association to safeguard the interests of trainee nurses and midwives in Ghana.


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