Education General News

GTUC undertakes campus based disinfection exercise



As part of the directives from the government of Ghana towards reopening of Schools for Final Year across the nation, Ministry of Education in partnership with Zoomlion Ghana Ltd are embarking on a special disinfection exercise across all Universities and other Tertiary Institutions to provide ba safe environment for the reopening come next week.

In line with the exercise, the Ghana Technology University College has adhered to the directive and has engaged Zoomlion to disinfect all of its campuses across the five regions to provide a safe environment for both academic and non academic activities.

At the Kumasi Campus o the Ashanti Region, the Team from Zoomlion sprayed lecture halls, offices, hostels and all other places where students congregate.
In an interview, George Akom , Assistant Registrar at the Kumasi who spoke on behalf of the Director and Management of the Campus thanked the Ministry of Education and Zoomlion Ghana for such a wonderful exercise.

He avvered that the exercise would build the trust and confidence of students who are to report to their various campus to continue their Academic work.

He added that the roadmap for the reopening of schools is all inclusive for all stakeholders, and a break in one aspect of the process could be dangerous in the fight against the disease on campus.

He advised students to comply with all the protocol arrangements that they would come across when they are on campus.

Source: /Ayisah Foster

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