General News Health

Navrongo:NIA Staff frustrate locals

Information reaching from the Navrongo-East municipality of the Upper East region, indicates that residents of Yua, Natugnia and Manyaro are going through frustrations in getting their National Identifications cards as officials of the National Identifications Authority are said to be lackadaisical in issuing out cards to registered folks.
Residents of the farming communities said they are been frustrated by staff NIA.
The NIA was bailed to commence issuance of the National identification cards to registrants n the mentioned communities on Monday 8th, but failed to turn up.
 Sources revealed that they (NIA) staff reported at the said communities on Tuesday and worked for a half-day and unceremoniously left.
 Staff, this outlet is told snubbed all persons who try enquiring from them the reasons for their unofficial departure. The exercise was preemptively aborted.
Residents are unhappy with the conduct of NIA staff.
They say, the behavior of staff regarding this exercise is untenable. They are calling on superior authorities to call the staff to order.
A frustrated resident, Adongo Prosper told this reporter that, his attempt to approach officials for explanation regarding the stoppage was met with insult from a local focal person of the exercise.
“This is a farming season, you cannot deceive people to stop their work, walk here, just for you to park your machines and walkout.” A resident fumed. For Proper, this is part of the grand schemes to frustrate poor farmers to stay away from participating in the exercise so as to derail the chances of the National Democratic Congress.
He added that the actions of the NIA must be checked and tamed before their conduct throw the nation’s democracy to the dogs.
Efforts to speak to one Ignatus Yaw Ayirah, local NIA focal person in-charge of the exercise prove futile as calls placed to his MTN went unanswered.
The NIA’s card distribution exercise is currently been engulfed with controversies.
More soon!
Source: Foster

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