General News Health

If Your Kidney Is in Danger, The Body Will Give You These 7 Signs According To Health Experts



In case of their endangerment or if they are impeded, entire health is at risk. That is the reason why it is highly important to learn distinguishing the signs that the body gives you that indicate kidney damage and failure:

Swellings. If case of a kidneys’ function damaging, the body cannot release excess fluids and this leads bloating of the face, joints and limbs as well as to swellings.

Metallic Taste In The Mouth. Because of the waste deposits in the blood, you can have a bad breath or a changed taste in the mouth. If the kidney is severely damaged you can experience big change in the taste of some foods or a low appetite.

Fatigue. If the kidneys are at a good health, they will produce EPO (erythropoietin), that is, a hormone that is responsible for producing red blood cells which supply the oxygen needed for the body. If the red blood cells are lowered, you start to experience fatigue, brain and muscles damage. This is also a common sign of severe anemia.

Pain. another very known sign of kidney damage or failure is an upper back pain, just where the kidneys are, and this pain can be as well accompanied by kidney infections or stones.

Shortness of Breath. The damage of the kidneys can as well lead to shortness of breath due to the fact that the body is deficient of oxygen, because of the lowered number of red blood cells that deliver oxygen throughout all of the body. Their number is lowered due to the accumulated toxins in the lungs.

Bad Concentration and Dizzines. If there is deficient oxygen in the brain it can lead to severe anemia or kidney failure, which furthermore leads to poor concentration and focus, dizziness or memory issues.

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