General News Politics

Mahama did not neglect Ashantis when he was President-Abass Nurudeen



We have sighted a faceless and ill-conceived release from the stables of the New Patriotic Party circulating on social media to the effect that President Mahama neglected people of Ashanti extraction in terms of appointments during the period he was President.

Obviously,the NPP has been dazed by the warm reception and huge impact President Mahama’s “Thank You” tour of the Ashanti Region is making and has resorted to devious means by the issuance of an unsigned release under the guise of concerned Ashanti NDC youth to create doubts in the minds of the people about the favorability ratings of President Mahama in the Ashanti Region.

For the avoidance of doubt,NDC Ashanti Region is forever grateful to President Mahama for the numerous developmental Projects he initiated in the Ashanti Region during his tenure as President and will fully endorse his candidature for the 2024 Elections when the time is due.

For whatever it is worth,we would like to set the records straight in order to kill this propaganda.

As a matter fact,President Mahama appointed a number of Ashanti’s to key and sensitive positions during his term as President some of which are listed below;

1.Dr.Kwaku Agyemang Mensah,Minister for works and housing from Donkoto in the Atwima Mponua Constituency.

2.Hon.Kenneth Adjei,Dep.Defence Minister from Trede in the Atwima Kwanwoma Constituency.

3.Hon.Barbara Serwaa Asamoah,Dep.Lands and Natural Resources Minister from Abofour in the Offinso South Constituency.

4.Hon.Samuel Yaw Adusei,Dep.Works and Housing Minister from the Bantama constituency.

Apart from Ministerial and deputy ministerial appointments,President Mahama appointed Ashanti’s to head key and strategic state owned enterprises some of whose annual budget are more than 5 cabinet Ministries.

1.For the first time in the history of Ghana,President Mahama entrusted the management of two strategic national assets,specifically BOST AND TOR,in the hands of Kwame Awuah Darko,who is an Ashanti from Dwaben.

2.President Mahama also appointed Alex kwabena mould from Ejuratia in the Kwabre East constituency as CEO of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation(GNPC).Indeed GNPC is one of the most sought after positions in the life of any government.

3.Mr.Afari Dartey from the Afigya Sekyere East constituency(Agona Jamasi) was appointed by President Mahama as CEO of the Forestry commission.

4.Mr.Charles Asare was appointed as Managing Director of the Ghana Airport Company Limited.He is an Ashanti.

We have been at pains to mention these names just to deflate the propaganda of the NPP seeking to create the impression that President Mahama neglected the Ashanti Region in terms of appointments during his tenure as President.

Ordinarily,we would not have responded to such crass ethnocentric and sectarian propaganda.But since the NPP has decided to make it an issue we shall hold a presser to list all the Ashanti’s who served in key positions under the tenure of President Mahama in due course.

In the race between truth and lies,lies may take an early lead but truth shall always prevail.

Thank You

Abass Nurudeen

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