General News Sports

Osei Kwaku Palmer to face GFA ethics committee


Owner of Tema Youth FC, Osei Kwaku Palmer will likely face the Ethics Committee of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) on his remark on FA officials influencing player call up.

The astute football administrator and former Executive Committee in an interview with Graphic Sports and FOX FM emphatically reiterated that officials of the GFA influence selections into the various national teams.

According to Palmer some players only got opportunities to be in the various national team due to underhand dealings by some FA officials.

“This is an open secret that GFA officials influence the selection of players into the national team. There are some players who come to the national team but are not fit to be in the team,” the former Black Stars management committee member told Graphic Sports.

“We have so many missing pieces and selfish interest which are the drivers as far as most personalities in the Black Stars and the GFA are concerned,” he added.

However, sources at the Ghana FA say the association has taken notice of the comments by Palmer and will haul him before the Ethics Committee.

This is not the first time Osei Palmer is uttering such allegations.

After Ghana failed to qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, accused the then Sports Minister, Nii Lante Vanderpuye of failing to pay indemnities as instructed by the FA.

“I was quite surprised that Ghanaians and the media sided with former Sports Minister Nii Lante Vanderpuye [about not budgeting for indemnities] when the government whitepaper on the Dzamefe Commission report clearly indicated that unclassified payments were legal in the concept of our budget.”

“If we had spent around $300,000 [on referees], and stood to benefit about $8 million [by appearing at the World Cup], I see nothing wrong with it,” he said.

Osei Palmer was then banned from talking to the media.

However, the outspoken football administrator and a key stakeholder in Ghana football, Osei Palmer is likely to fined and banned from speaking to the media.

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