General News Health

Queenmother commissions medical center for Abofrem community


Nana Akosua Nkrumah Adasah III, Queenmother of Nkawie-Abofrem in the Atwima Mponua District of Ashanti region has single handedly built and commissioned a magnificent and ultra modern medical center Christine Yennyawoso HFP Medical center for the Abofrem community to improve the health condition and needs of the people.

According to the Queenmother, the residents trek all the way to Bibiani in the western North which is the only health facility closer to the community to access health care, hence her vision and determination to help bring access to health care closer to the residents.
She disclosed that, traveling all way from the community to Bibiani always post danger to patients especially pregnant women and women in labour, as their conditions normally deteriorates or worsen while others lost their lives on their way to access health care because of the distance.
She stressed that, the residents in the community and nearby communities have being suffering when it’s comes to their health needs and other basic social amenities for a long time, and for that matter, her commitment to to ensure that the the living standards of the people in her community are improve as share of contributing her quota.
Nana Adasah III, revealed that, she is poised to build nurses quarters the nurses who would stationed at the facility to help respond to emergencies cases when there is the need.
She made a passionate appealed to the government through the Ministry of health and the district Assembly to assist her build and complete the project on time to make the health facility fully operational to serve its intended purpose to safe the lives of the people.
Mr Isaac Kofi Marfo the District Chief Executive (DCE) Atwima Mponua commended the Queenmother for her selfless commitment and determination to improve the lives of her people through many infrastructural facilities especially in terms of health and education.
He underscored that, Nana Adasah effort to build the health center is in the right direction in complimenting president Nana Addo’s vision for the Agenda 111 programme to ensure quality health care to the citizenry across the length and breadth of the country.
Nana Akosua Nkrumah Adasah III, gearing towards an improve education standards in the community last two years built a Junior High School with offices and staff common room for the Abofrem community to serve as a conducive place for Teaching and learning.

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