General News Politics

Samuel Adusei Joins NDC National Chairmanship Race

Mr. Samuel Yaw Adusei, the former deputy Minister for Ashanti Region, Works and Housing and Parliamentary candidate for Bantama on the ticket of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the elsewhere Mahama administration has declared his intention to contest the National Chairmanship position to lead the party to a resounding victory come 2024.
Mr. Adusei who adviced all aspirant  from constituencies, regional to National to embark on peaceful and clean campaign devoid of abusive words,says the NDC is the only party with the responsibility to rescue  the country from the NPP abysmal performance and incompetence.
He stressed that the NDC must win the upcoming general election in 2024 but the general secretary and the incumbent chairman who work together in diverse ways  are accusing each other  of not deserving to lead the party come 2024, which he said demonstrate that, the two are telling the party the need for a new face and change of direction in terms of leadership towards elections 2024.
According to him, the NDC as a party can not afford to loose the upcoming general elections to the governing incompetent New Patriotic Party (NPP), says the NDC has the mandate to rescue the country from the economic hardship, and for that matter, must be aware that the elections would not a philosopher stone.
He stated that, NDC needs a leader who is ready to sacrifice in order go block the NPP from breaking the 8 to continue displaying their incompetency and enriching themselves at the detriment of the ordinary Ghanaians.
He lamented that, he is fed up with the two leading people who  played  a major role in the 2020 elections.
He said these two people are playing a blame game by accusing another for incompetency, says he is not ready for anybody to prepare his mind for playing a leadership role or lead the party, for the is the need for a new face to rake over the part.
He was of the view that it’s time the party prepare to relay the foundation of the party after the demised of the founder and former president Jerry John Rawlings to attract more people especially the youth of the country., as the rank and file is looking at rebuilding the party.
He noted that the party is always organized at the branch level, hence he is looking at the re-demarcation of the branches to make the viable, and reason he is offering himself to the party in their quest to rescue the country..
He said the party must recognized to be united.
He expressed the view that, the party leadership which includes the general secretary and National chairman failed, adding that, its a lazy man approach to manipulate for someone to go unopposed.
The former minister entreated the party to define and recognized the former president role in the party towards unity behind him to block the NPP from breaking the 8, hence the party needs new dimension in leadership to attract people.
He reiterated that, there must not be complacent and must work in diverse ways as a party to block the governing new Patriotic Party (NPP) from retaining political power come 2024.

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