General News Health

Sex Benefits: reasons you should have sex everyday



If you thought that the only benefit of sex was, well, pleasure, here’s some news for you. Making love is good for adults. And making love regularly is even better.


Sex is evergreen, hot and all things nice. There really aren’t enough words to describe the exhilarating moment of getting intimate with your partner. When lips and bodies touch, there are fireworks and explosions that make you feel like you’re at the top of the world. With love, trust and understanding come intimacy and sex. This extremely intimate act not only gives you and your partner intense pleasure but also help you sleep well, relieve stress and release happy endorphins within the body. And not to forget, burns a ton of calories! With such amazing benefits at hand, why wouldn’t you want to engage in sex every day? To help you understand, here listed are some reasons why you need to have sex more often.

Builds emotional intimacy

Sex is not merely about physical intimacy. It helps to strengthen the emotional bond between the two partners. For any relationship to be successful, it’s important that the people involved are emotionally on the same page and having sex is a great way to build that emotional intimacy.

Increases immunity

Regular lovemaking increases the level of the immune-boosting antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), which in turn makes your body stronger against illnesses like the common cold and fever.

Reduces stress

Stressed out with work or family problems? Don’t let it affect your performance in the bedroom. Not only will having sex improve your mood, but a study has also proven that folks, who indulge in regular bedroom activities can handle stress better and are happier people.

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