General News Politics

The reverence of party’s footsoldiers /grassroots:Razak Kojo Opoku writes


All Politicians derived their Power, Authority, influence, Position and legitimacy from the ordinary people especially the GRASSROOTS/Party’s Footsoldiers which we normally look down, disrespect and pay no attention to their genuine concerns and critical issues.

Politicians must understand that Political Power is not the same as Spiritual Power or Traditional Power. Political Power emanates from the people who we always go to for renewal of mandate. Spiritual Power is Divine and God freely gives to whoever He desires, “for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, says Romans 11:29. We campaign for Political Power not Spiritual Power or Traditional Power. Traditional Power is by inheritance.

Political Power reside in the people. God allows people to choose whoever deemed fit for leadership,” for the voice of the people is the voice of God”


The SOURCE of whatever power of influence and position a Politician occupied is the People, the GRASSROOTS/FOOTSOLDIERS.

Without the support of Party’s footsoldiers/Grassroots, no Party can win Political Power.

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