General News Politics

UPP’s position on arms proliferation, alleged plotting of coup in Ghana :Time to take our security serious



In as much as people are trying hard to downplay the recent swoop that resulted in the arresting of two people suspected to be gun manufacturers and possibly plotting a coup in Ghana, though palpable, deserve a fair consideration as the whole world seems to be on edge about the recent traits and signs of kidnappings and terrorism. I think Capt. Rtd Budu Koomson’s comments on the recent “coup chronicles” should not be swept under the carpet.

The UPP thinks that it is time to start taking the security of our dear country seriously. As the saying goes “the goat that is crying of thirst is not the one that is thirsty but the one that is silent is more thirsty than the one crying”. There might be more of where these small episodes are coming from and little drops of water makes a mighty ocean. Nothing no matter how insignificant shouldn’t be glossed over or taken lightly.

We strongly believe that it is now time that government stops the idea of employing party footsoldiers into sensitive govt security agencies like EOCO, BNI, CID etc. This makes our security agencies liable, ineffective and bogus as we bargain our security to please party foot soldiers and serious issues like kidnappings are not dealt with properly because of political interventions etc.

Again, we caution govt to allow the security agencies  to be managed by professionals instead of appointing political puppets to respond to whoever is in gov’ts whims and caprices. This does not allow for due diligence since there is always a political interest in national issues.

Additionally, over politisation of national issues by  both the NPP and NDC to score cheap political points makes it even more difficult to really handle issues or cases of such sensitivity because both parties have too many unauthorised experts and communicators who will spew diversionary comments instead of allowing the experts to handle the issues professionally.

However, the UPP will, if given the chance, sanitize the system to prevent too much proliferation of firearms and regulate the usage or it’s acquisition. We must take into consideration the psychological state of individuals who come to purchase these arms etc.

Secondly, the UPP will provide state of the art cross-cutting technology for the security agencies to help equip them for their work and also to help them identify suspecting materials which may be a threat to our national security.

Also, we will constantly organise refresher courses on new devolopments around the world to help our security agencies deal with the constantly evolving security systems in the world. It will help our agencies constantly update their system and be prepared for any unforseen eventualities.

The UPP will  also engage in constant sensitisation of the Ghanaian citizenry on the trending security developments and how to protect and react to issues of security especially in our public institutions. This may keep the citizenry awake and report any inconsistent developments or suspected activities. This is how the big countries like the U.S, Britain gather information and apprehend criminals.

Lastly, we will also use social media as a tool to ensure security. Montoring social media could be a medium to pick clues that can enable the security agencies consolidate their work. We will provide state of the art gadgets and first class training for our security personel to enable them handle any sophistication.

In conclusion, the UPP looks forward to be contacted should the need arises for our inputs on issues of these nature to help curb any eventualities.

Bukari Kuoru
General Secretary
United Progressive Party.

Source /Ayisah Foster 

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